Omniphobics and Zeromaniacs

<div style="text-align: justify;">How do municipalities manage to raise money when they are in need of it? They lower the speed limits. Instantly, they make a lot of money &mdash; and a lot of new &ldquo;criminals.&rdquo;<br />

Harmless tobacco? Never!

<div style="text-align: justify;">If there is risk to excess in many things, what passes as &quot;education&quot; on the harmfulness of tobacco is far more ideology and plain superstition, than reality. While therapeutic properties of nicotine may be discussed in medical journals the public message must always be that tobacco is an evil weed. What would happen to fraudulent &quot;tobacco control&quot; and to its ideology if a &ldquo;harmless&rdquo; tobacco were to be genetically engineered?<br />