Obama is Appealing

<p>The Obama administration on Tuesday appealed a U.S. judge’s ruling and injunction that blocked tobacco companies from having to display graphic images on cigarette packs and advertising, such as a man exhaling smoke through a hole in his throat.</p>

Westchester Community College

Just enacted a smoke free policy outdoors. Many are not happy with this ban, Alyssa Spizzirro, a student at WCC from Katonah, was critical of the school&rsquo;s decision to prohibit a lifestyle choice.
<p>&ldquo;I understand that they&rsquo;re doing it to promote a healthy life, but it&rsquo;s not really up to them&rdquo; Spizzirro said.&nbsp;&ldquo;We&rsquo;re all adults and we&rsquo;re all allowed to smoke and if they don&rsquo;t want people to do that than they should live in a different society,&rdquo;<br />
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We couldn’t agree more.</p>
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Victory In St. Louis

ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO &bull; The latest push to let voters decide on a countywide smoking ban was extinguished Monday night by the St. Charles County Council.&nbsp; <br />
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The measure rejected Monday would have banned smoking in most indoor public places and workplaces in municipalities and unincorporated areas. The measure had a few exemptions but none for bars or tobacco stores.


<p>&quot;An updated Missoula County Public Schools tobacco policy targets devices that are growing in popularity nationwide as smoking bans take hold everywhere: electronic vapor cigarettes&quot;.<br />
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While patches, gums and pills are allowed on school property, e-cigs are not.&nbsp; What is the difference?&nbsp; All are a direct delivery system of nicotine.&nbsp; Simple, they aren’t made by Big Pharma, if they had thought of the idea first it would be a different story!<br />
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Hyprocity at its best!<br />
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Radon and Lung Cancer

<p>If you have high levels of radon in your home, long-term exposure means you have a one-in-20 chance of developing lung cancer. <br />
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A smoker has a one-in-10 chance of developing lung cancer.<br />
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We have written about this before but it is good to remind people that smoking is not the only cause of lung and mouth cancer, other contributors are the HPV virus.</p>

Smoking In The European Union

&quot;HYPOCRITICAL EU politicians are puffing away inside the European Parliament while drawing up laws banning Brits from smoking&quot;.<br />
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The MEP’s ordered special sealed smoking rooms to be built at the taxpayer&rsquo;s expense. The Parliament in Brussels has one large smoking room. And there are smoking booths for smokers dotted around the plush building.

Indiana, At It Again

They never give up whether or not the people want a smoking ban, you can count on the American Cancer Society to shove it down their throats.&nbsp; Once again they are planning a major push for legislation in the next session which starts January, 2012.<br />

Prohibition Does Not Work

Yes, we know that Prohibition does not work, when will our elected politicians accept this well proven fact. Findings from the University of Glasgow’s Public Health Unit has confirmed that the uptake of Smoking Cessation Products has not met with their expectations and conclude that more must be done in the way of tobacco control measures and ongoing support. <br />
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When will nations realise that most smokers are happy with their lives and do not want Governments to nudge them&nbsp; into giving up their small but important pleasure in life.<br type="_moz" />

Smoke Free DC

Smoke Free DC, and American’s for Nonsmokers Rights, have once again made fraudulent, slanderous remarks against us.&nbsp; They stated for the umpteenth time that we are a front for the tobacco industry, even though the ANR has documents posted on their website that says we are not. Smoke Free DC did remove the offensive remark but the ANR hasn’t.<br />
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The tobacco industry has never volunteered to fund us nor have we ever asked for money from the tobacco industry.&nbsp; If Forces was funded by major corporations the fight would be fairer.&nbsp; We would be in all 50 states lobbying against the anti-tobacco lobbyist who keep pushing and in some cases writing legislation for smoking bans.<br />
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Our resources are pithy compared to the hundreds of million dollars that the anti’s receive and spend each year.&nbsp; We rely on donations by individuals.&nbsp; If every smoker in America donated $5.00 to Forces we would be able to to do just that.&nbsp; If you haven’t donated recently, help us to continue our work.&nbsp; Smoking bans are not inevitable, the politicians just need to be educated and we can do that with your help.<br />
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<a href="https://www.forces.org/static_page/membership-donation.php">Donate today!</a><br />
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