Those Are for Sinners

<div style="text-align: justify;"><img hspace="4" align="left" src="" alt="" />Anti would take all the laughter out of the world if we let her. We are not going to let her. Join the fight.<br />
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Nothing Minus Nothing

<div style="text-align: justify;"><img hspace="4" align="left" src="" alt="" />In his usual witty manner Phil Williams spotlights anti-tobacco’s ludicrous and vicious abuse of arithmetic.<br />
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He Smoked Like a Man

<div style="text-align: justify;">A beloved veteran of World War II whose service in the Middle East and Italy was made bearable by cigarettes and beer is on track to be memorialized in Scotland.<br />

Analysing the inverted principles of Healthism

<div style="text-align: justify;">&quot;The information on the economic devastation of smoking bans everywhere they are applied has become uncontainable, and the umpteenth fraud of the antismoking groups (the promise that there would be no economic damage but rather an increase in business) has been thoroughly belied.&quot;<br />

The Blackmailing Class

<div style="text-align: justify;">This new posting on Michael Siegel&rsquo;s blog shows us the consequences of a whole series of &ldquo;principles&rdquo; that have been initiated with smoking bans.<br />

Huge Cigarette Tax Shot Down

<div style="text-align: justify;">Economic reality slammed the anti-smoking numbskulls in Sacramento this week when a California Senate committee voted down a scheme to fund &quot;universal&quot; health care with a huge cigarette tax hike.<br />

Drive-by Study

<div style="text-align: justify;">Radio personality Rush Limbaugh coined the term &quot;drive-by media&quot; to describe mainstream news outlets that spew bullets of innuendo, then exit the scene, wheels screeching.<br />

Missionary Work

The <i>San Francisco Chronicle</i> should consider incorporating itself as a non-profit, tax exempt church.&nbsp; With circulation rates plunging far faster than the smoking rates, it may be the only way to maintain any relevancy.&nbsp; It certainly is a faith-based institution.<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">The numerology of antitobacco and &ldquo;public health&rdquo; is known to all. In this priceless rebuttal, a certain Pamela G. Head replies&nbsp; to a Ms. Cahill about her out-of-the-hat numbers concerning &ldquo;mortality&rdquo; from smoking.<br />