Lansing, Michigan

The smoking ban in Michigan is costing bar owners money due to a decrease in business.&nbsp; Guess all the nonsmokers are not running to get a drink at their local bar, as the anti’s claim.&nbsp; We already knew that was a lie, too bad the Michigan Legislators bought the &quot;lie&quot; from the <b>usual suspects</b>.<br />
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State fiscal analysts said Friday the smoking ban is expected to cost the state about $33 million in lost revenue this fiscal year.
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<div>If the people don’t want a smoking ban they will rebel against it.&nbsp; A little more rebelling would be helpful in the USA but here we seem to roll over and accept anything that is doled out by the Government, why is that?&nbsp; Are we brainless twits or just too busy to get involved?<br />
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Europeans have a healthier view of life and how to live it. They know how to balance work and living, so adjustment to smoking bans are not unusual nor is totally ignoring them.&nbsp; Tomorrow Greece’s Health Minister is expected to announce changes to ban in enclosed spaces.&nbsp; <br />
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<span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;">The current tax of 64 cents on a pack of cigarettes would jump to $1.99.&nbsp; The American Cancer Society took a poll that said 73 percent of Nebraskan’s voters would support the increase.&nbsp; Of course, they would but would they agree to have beer, wine and alcohol taxed as well?&nbsp; I think not.&nbsp; It is always easy to tax the other guy, not yourself.</span></span><span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><br />

Cigarette Tax in Illinois stalls

Had the measure passed some areas of Chicago suburbs would have been paying $10.00 a pack.&nbsp; Everyone is on the tobacco gravy train, just what exactly would replace these taxes? New taxes on liquor and fat foods.&nbsp; You might not smoke but there is something you do like to eat or drink that will be taxed heavily.&nbsp; The legislators don’t have the nerve to do a fair tax they would rather select certain commodities to balance their budgets.&nbsp; This indeed is a sad state of affairs.<br type="_moz" />


The Virginia General Assembly began its 2011 session on January 12.&nbsp; Bill&nbsp; HB 1815 proposes a tax increase of $1.15 per pack!&nbsp;&nbsp; If you live in Virginia write your legislator today!<br type="_moz" />

Usual Suspects

The American Cancer Society,&nbsp; American Lung Association and the American Heart Association is supporting an $1.00 per pack cigarette tax in California.&nbsp; The initiative will be on the 2012 ballot, money is to be used for cancer research and smoking prevention programs.&nbsp; Translation it will be put into the general funds to bail out the state.&nbsp; The Usual Suspects have never seen a tax on tobacco they didn’t like.&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />

Save money by rolling your own.

For $25.00 plus tax you can roll your own cigarettes with a high speed compression machine.&nbsp; Takes about 10 minutes, produces 200 cigarettes and is now available in 20 states.&nbsp; Save money, instead of giving it to the tax man.<br type="_moz" />

No smoking ban at the state capitol

Missouri lawmakers turned down a bill which would have banned smoking at the State Capitol.&nbsp; Seems like the odds of a state wide smoking ban in Missouri are about nill.&nbsp; <br />
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If lawmakers want the option to choose what they want to do in their private offices so should the public.<br />
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Ignore the lack of science

A new ploy by the anti’s or are they just showing their true colors?&nbsp; Smoking in cars with children should be banned whether or not science can prove any negative effects, according to Ray Dawson of the University of Leeds and published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.<br />
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Lawmakers are being urged not to let science get in the way of sound policy when it comes to laws on children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in cars.<br />
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The &quot;science&quot; they have relied on so dearly to ban smoking globally has just gone up in smoke, along with their sanity which was questionable to begin with! Lawmakers are being urged not to let science get in the way of sound policy when it comes to laws on children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in cars.<br />
<a style="color: rgb(0, 51, 153);" href=""><br />

NYC Plans for Gruesome Ads Struck Down

A federal judge has struck down New York City’s plans to place gruesome ads in places where tobacco is sold. The decision will likely be appealed by health officials. Nonetheless, the decision represents a victory for common sense in the face of what would become a dangerous and destructive trend affecting not only&nbsp; tobacco users, but anyone who engages in any activity that might come under the scrutiny of public health.<br />
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A link to the Yahoo! News/AP article is available at the link below.<br />
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