McDonalds Being Compared To Tobacco

Is that a fair comparison, no we don’t think so.&nbsp; Many of us spent time after school to have a burger and french fries snack after school and we were not obese.&nbsp; We have altered our food supply greatly in the last thirty years, reasonable people would look at the overall picture and not zoom in on one fast food company.<br />
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The health fanatics are out of control and they must be stopped dead in their tracks before they take control of every aspect of our lives.<br />
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Grover Norquist

Is opposing Prop 29,&nbsp; which is on the California ballot in June.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mr. Norquist opposes all new taxes and has for many years, he visits each new Republican who enters Congress and has them sign the &quot;no new tax&quot; pledge.<br />
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This article claims he is in bed with Big Tobacco, he isn’t, he is just opposing new taxes as he always does.<br type="_moz" />

Birmingham, Alabama

The Birmingham City Council voted unanimously to ban smoking in most public places.&nbsp; With the new provisions, smokers must be seven feet away from an entrance to a bar or restaurant before they can light cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are exempt from the ordinance. <br />
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Be careful where you take your holiday this year because you could wind up one very unhappy camper.<br type="_moz" />

Emperor Bloomberg

Now wants to ban smoking in apartments and condo’s, he is urging the City Council to impose these new smoking bans, the American Cancer Society is also behind this and supports it.&nbsp; We have heard that Bloomberg smokes cigars and he has exempted himself from all smoking bans.&nbsp; Must be nice to be a billionaire bully.<br type="_moz" />


Gov. Deval Patrick budget proposal includes increasing taxes on soda, candy and tobacco.&nbsp; We are surprised there isn’t a tax proposed on alcohol, oh right they haven’t hit the drinkers yet.&nbsp; Haven’t you had enough of nanny government?<br />


California is losing $8 billion dollars in tax revenue from cigarette smuggling and they want to increase the cigarette tax another $1.00 a pack.&nbsp; Only in Kalifornia!<br />

Demonise Junk Food

Cancer UK declared that obesity was the commonest cause of breast cancer in older women followed by alcohol and smoking. Only last week, we heard that there had been a significant increase in womb cancer for the same reason.<br />
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We have given way too much power to the health nannies and they constantly are banning whatever the current &quot;it&quot; is.&nbsp; Time for everyone to fight back and tell them to Mind Their Own Business.


A federal judge ruled that Worcester, Massachusetts’ outdoor tobacco ad ban is unconstitutional in that it effectively bars tobacco companies from advertising their products to adults who may legally purchase them.<br />
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This type of action by a Federal Judge may be an indication of what the Supreme Court will eventually rule, plain packaging.&nbsp; The wording itself is misleading cigarette packages will not be plain but will contain ten graphic anti-smoking photographs.<br />
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San Jose

City of San Jose has augmented its smoking ban to forbid lighting up in outdoor dining areas, outdoor common areas of apartments and condos and places where people gather to wait for services, like bus stops and taxi stands.<br />
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How incredibly stupid.<br />