United Kingdom

&quot;Pig racing and lingerie parties are among plans to revive the nation’s flagging local pubs. &quot;<br />
<br />
In the two years prior to the smoking bans in pubs Britain saw under 500 pubs close. &nbsp;In the five years since the bans they’ve see about 5,000 close.
<p>And yet, in all the 483 words of this article, the two words &quot;smoking ban&quot; don’t appear even once.</p>
Is this supposed to be an April Fools Day joke? &nbsp;Was there a story like this on April 1st, 1944 about the reduction in British Tourism that neglected to mention the influence of World War Two

Atlantic City

Is considering an outdoor ban on smoking in parks and recreation areas.&nbsp; There is no scientific evidence to support such bans however the excuse is &quot;for the children&quot; apparently just seeing a person smoke must be prohibited.&nbsp; What nonsense!&nbsp; Since one out of five adults smoke children are going to have at lease one relative who smokes. <br />
<br />
As usual American’s overreact to everything while serious problems are ignored.<br />
<br type="_moz" />

Rhode Island

Is considering a bill which would lower tobacco tax by $1.00.&nbsp; This move is being proposed because smokers are buying their cigarettes from surrounding states.<br />

Businesses Bite Back

From our friends at Freedom 2 Choose, Last week a new European organisation was born, an organisation that has brought a revolutionary twist to the war on smokers: <a href="http://www.horecaclaim.eu/en/pages/8-Private_Investment_Fund_Horecaclaim.html">HORECACLAIM Europe</a>. [HoReCa stands for Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes].<br />
<br />
Horecaclaim Europe has a unique approach, using investments from independent wealthy private individuals. Horecaclaim intend to claim redress and damages caused by the smoking bans from various European Governments.

United Kingdom

<p>The recent <a target="_blank" href="http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/News/Recentstories/DH_109359">Government-launched</a> mobile phone application to track a person&rsquo;s alcohol intake has once again highlighted concerns over the UK&rsquo;s relationship with excessive alcohol consumption.</p>


<p>The Kansas Supreme Court has overturned a limited temporary injunction that had exempted some private clubs from the statewide public smoking ban. <br />
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Boulder, Colorado

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) – Boulder officials are looking into the possibility of banning smoking in more public areas, including downtown’s Pearl Street Mall, public parks and the city’s open space properties.<br />
<br />
The people of Boulder do not like this idea, read their comments.<br type="_moz" />

The Future of Indianapolis….

Indianapolis Councilman John Barth wants to &quot;finish the job&quot; that he thinks was just &quot;started&quot; by the statewide smoking ban in restaurants. &nbsp;I’d suggest he look around at different city and state bans: As long as our tax money pays people to push these smoking bans the &quot;job&quot; will never be &quot;finished.&quot;

Obesity Costs

<p>A study published in the March Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine says that obesity costs more — and morbid obesity costs a lot more — than smoking.<br />
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According to the Mayo Study, studying 30,000 individuals, obesity costs $5,500 more in health care costs vs people who are normal weight.<br />
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We have been stating for years that the Health Police have selected three behavior modifications: smoking, obesity and alcoholics.&nbsp; This is just the beginning of Phase II.</p>

Heartland Institute

<p style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><strong><span style="FONT-SIZE: 14px">Tobacco and Harm Reduction News Update</span></strong></p>
<br />
<p style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><strong>Worth Reading: Carl Phillips Testimony at the FDA Tobacco Center Meeting</strong><br />
<a style="COLOR: #bf3000" title="http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=21575853&amp;msgid=595307&amp;act=GVYH&amp;c=231583&amp;destination=http://ep-ology.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-testimony-at-todays-fda-tobacco.html" href="http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=21575853&amp;msgid=595307&amp;act=GVYH&amp;c=231583&amp;destination=http%3A%2F%2Fep-ology.blogspot.com%2F2012%2F01%2Fmy-testimony-at-todays-fda-tobacco.html">http://ep-ology.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-testimony-at-todays-fda-tobacco.html</a><br />
Carl&nbsp;V. Philips, an associate professor at the University of Alberta who focuses on tobacco harm reduction, health policy ethics, and scientific epistemology, recently attended a meeting of the Food and Drug Administration&rsquo;s Center for Tobacco Products. Philips writes about his experiences at the meeting where his comments and the comments of others who support the use of dissolvable tobacco and other harm reduction products were overshadowed by what Philips argues is an agenda against harm reduction strategies.</p>