An Old Study Worth Repeating

Everyone has tried to bury this study done by the World Health Organization, this was at the beginning before the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation spent billions of dollars to ban smoking indoor and recently outdoors.<br type="_moz" />

San Francisco

Only in Kalifornia.&nbsp; A new outdoor smoking ban is being proposed, however, you will still be able to smoke medically-prescribed marijuana.


A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against a Louisiana casino for allegedly failing to protect employees from secondhand smoke.<br />
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The tobacco companies in France are showing high profits and that seems to upset one member of the French National Assembly. Lacking any logic he is propose to fill France’s financial problems with raising taxes on tobaco.&nbsp;&nbsp;


Atlanta, Georgia banned smoking in public parks today by a 11 to 1 vote.&nbsp; Public parks are for all not just nonsmokers.&nbsp; The fine for smoking is $1,000.<br />
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The lie is now fact, and City Council’s are either brain dead or have been bought off, there is no other explanation for all these indoor and outdoor smoking bans.<br type="_moz" />

United Kingdom

The health authorities in the UK are considering &quot;graphic&quot; warning labels on beer, wine and hard liquor.&nbsp; The message is that alchohol causes abuse and violence.<br />
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According to the health authorities &quot;The evidence linking alcohol to over 60 medical conditions is unarguable, so they would need to be factual warnings, not sensational. People don’t realise that drink is associated with a whole range of health harms that it increases your risk of, such as injury, a stroke, heart disease, liver disease and many forms of cancer, and don’t realise its potential long-term implications for them. This is not the nanny state. This is simply to help the public understand the risks.&quot;<br />
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When are people going to say enough to the health communitiy?<br type="_moz" />


A growing number of medical researchers say more than 8 million women are at risk of difficult-to-treat bladder infections because superbugs &ndash; resistant to antibiotics and growing in chickens &ndash; are being transmitted to humans in the form of E. coli.<br />
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Fish has too much Mercury, red meat is unhealthy, now chicken is bad for you, what’s next?<br />

Bloomberg Defeated

<p>A federal appeals court on Tuesday dealt a blow to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s campaign to curb smoking, ruling that the city can’t force stores selling tobacco to post graphic images of rotting lungs and teeth.</p>
<p>The decision by the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said New York City usurped federal power over warning consumers about tobacco risks when the Board of Health in 2009 required all retailers of cigarettes to display the posters. <br />
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It is about time Emperor Bloomberg is put in his place.</p>


Backers of Proposition 29, which would have added a $1 tax to cigarettes, are not ready to throw in the towel. According to The Sacramento Bee they&rsquo;re calling for a recount of the votes after the tax was narrowly defeated last month.<br />
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Outdoor Smoking Bans

<a href="">Cincinnati</a>, <a href="">Claremont</a>, <a href="">Oakville</a> and the<a href=""> University System of Maryland</a>, have all banned outdoor smoking. <br />