This man is a public figure, he is a mayor. This man breaks the law. He smokes in a public bar.

Questioned by the Council, he gave the only sensible answer a reasonable man can give:

"You can hold me responsible for everything in matters of enforcement, but not for this unenforceable measure. […] I went to three bars where people were smoking. If a hundred people are smoking, you no longer give an example by not smoking.”

The “public health” Nazis reply with the old, trite Nazi party line: “Even mayors are bound by the law.” That was also their when tried for what they did. The fact is that no law can be just as long as it is absolute, and as long as it breaks the rights of others to “protect” the rights of someone else. Such a law must be disregarded and violated by any responsible citizen who care about his liberty and that of the generations that follow — and that does not mean anarchy, but protection from totalitarianism.

This is something no linear-minded health Nazi can ever understand in his badly cross-wired brain. There are no bigger rights and smaller rights so that, in case of conflict between them, the “bigger” right is to prevail on the “smaller” right. That is because rights are absolute.

When rights are in conflict, the job of the state is to achieve peaceful coexistence of those rights – not squash one right in favour of another — with the excuse of health or with any other excuse. Especially when the excuse is scientific fraud and junk science.



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