The health establishment has asked itself, why settle for merely denying smokers medical care, after they’ve been hurt? Among the latest advances in public healh discipline we note an orchestrated attack on a cripple by hospital staff.

Wheelchair-bound Canadian Bill Cousins, 46, says he was smoking three meters away from the entrance to Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Alberta, when he was approached by a security officer.

"He told me if I don’t extinguish it right now, he would extinguish it for me," said Cousins.

Bill extinguished the cigarette, but not the contempt of the hospital security staff, four of whom massed to eject him when he tried to re-enter the hospital.

With a newly dislocated shoulder added to his ills Mister Cousins wants a public apology, but spokesman Bruce Conway says mum’s the word, the Calgary Health Region is not prepared to address this situation at present.

Okay Mister Conway. We understand. The strategists will orchestrate their response in due course. Time shall not always be on their side however. One day the health establishment is going to get what it has coming. It won’t be prepared for that.



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