We are singularly impressed by the subtlety of this piece about an unintended German victim of the war against antitobacco.
The theme of the linked article — those who oppose prohibition oppose inevitable reality — suggests resistance is futile and that smokers must accept total social ostracism — forever — as a natural progression of the New Order. The direct parallel to the Nazi antismoking campaigns is brushed aside. We must not invoke history. We need not worry about fascism. The New New Order is really really right. We really really can’t disobey this time. Advocates of freedom can’t possibly be genuine. They simply must all be filthy smokers blabbing about justice to justify their brainless "addiction."

The people who write articles like this fail to face reality. The smoker bans are not welcome. They will not be accepted in peace. The black eye of the waiter described in the article is not the first such. It will not be the last. Resistance and violence will escalate until a dignified, respectful way to accommodate two sides — that have been artificially created through viciously inspired propaganda — is permanently established. Smokers and their wise friends are facing reality in Germany and elsewhere. Black eyes are just the beginning of a determined process to restore decent and civilised society. Anti-smoking has grown unspeakably sick. We are going to make the world better again — whatever it takes.



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