The FORCES International portals have been an instant success, exceeding our best expectations. That, in turn, creates technical problems that we are presently addressing.

The tremendous demand put on our new systems by the huge number of visits and the use of bandwidth already requires load redistribution amongst our servers and the installation of additional units, as well as revisions of the database operational system.

For all those reasons, in the next few days you may experience delays in downloads, partial displays and/or posting irregularities. Please put up with us: we are working as fast as we can to satisfy the demand and allow future expansion.

Thank you for your support: having to do system updates so soon after our starting date last August is a “problem” that gratifies us immensely, and shows that smokers and liberty lovers are growing in their awareness, realizing that something positive must be done to recapture our freedom, and against the deceptions of "public health".



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