Sad sarcasm by Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independent Party, on the latest and greatest nonsense by the health Nazis: hide cigarettes under the counter, obviously to prepare people for future prohibition by rooting the concept that tobacco is a “forbidden” product – still legal, yes, but barely so and not for long.

The stupid practice reminds the older of us of the transient times between sex criminalization and sex liberation, when naked female models could show their breast on magazines, but the nipples had to be airbrushed and pubic hair display was illegal. Later the nipples could be shown, but not the pubic area, and so on. All that to “protect the children” who already had access to hardcore pornography from Sweden.

The baby boomer generation rebelled against all that, and now pornography is everywhere. However, the stupidity did not go away, it just changed target. The baby boomer generation has replaced airbrushed nipples with brown-wrapped cigarette packs, and the hiding of the packs under the counter takes the place of pubic hair – once again to “protect the children” who have access to marijuana and ecstasy galore.

Underage kids who want to smoke cigarettes just have to get their older friends to buy them, and that is no problem at all. Yes, of course that is illegal – as it was illegal for older boys to buy sexy magazines for their underage friends forty years ago. But then as now, you have to catch them first! As the resentment against a system that prohibited young people from looking at nipples brought to widespread pornography as a reaction, the resentment of the youth against having to hide a natural choice such as smoking will bring cigarettes everywhere once again – smoking them right in the Nazi face of "public health".

Here is the press release.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 — UKIP leader Nigel Farage today warned the government they would have to set up an emergency medical fund to help shopkeepers who have to keep bending down under the counter to sell cigarettes to the public.

Mr Farage pointed out that shopkeepers already have to stretch to put sex magazines on the top shelves and now they have to bend down hundreds of times a day to sell cigarettes now that the government has banned them from being on display.

He described the government as ghastly puritans dedicated to turning Britain into a nanny state.

"They say the ban is to stop children between 11 and 15 from smoking," said Mr Farage."But you have to be older than that to buy them anyway. If they want to protect the health of our children they might be better off imposing some sort of sanctions against fast food outlets.


0207 222 9365

Gawain Towler
Press Officer
UK Independence Party
Independence/Democracy Group
in the European Parliament
BD4 2M13
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