With powerful people and powerful lobbies now staking their reputations on the “fact” that manmade global warming is about to wreak havoc around the entire planet, news that the sky may not be falling is hardly welcomed.

But when such news does come, it’s imperative that the scientific commmunity, politicians and the public know about it. That’s the only way to keep the record straight, and to keep the political process (to say nothing of the research enterprise) honest. Otherwise, we’ll start slouching our way to governance by an elite priesthood of necromancers.

On the heels of the astonishing news that NASA managed to screw up temperature data about global warming for seven years straight, FORCES columnist Edmund Contoski comments on how influential such data has become in the global warming debate, and how scandalous it is that the correction of the huge error was not promptly reported and brought to public attention.



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