Massive Tax Increase Being Proposed

<b>S.1403.IS</b> is proposing massive increases in smokeless tobacco.&nbsp;&nbsp; The numbers are astonishing!&nbsp; This is outrageous!&nbsp; You can find your Senator at <a href=""></a><br />
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Congress lives in a vacuum and can’t see the forest through the trees.&nbsp;&nbsp; We are in a recession, the stock market is up and down and we have been downgraded by Standard and Poors (an American Company) from a AAA to AA+.&nbsp; The people are nervous, what we don’t need now is more taxes on legal products.<br />

Tobacco Companies Suing FDA

R.J. Reynolds, Lorillard, Commonwealth, Liggett, and Santa Fe Natural Tobacco filed a lawsuit against the federal government on Tuesday, alleging that government-mandated graphic warning labels on cigarette packages unconstitutionally infringe on the companies’ rights. They believe it violates their First Amendment Rights.&nbsp; <br />
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Our question is where have they been for the last two decades, when all these smoking bans have spread globally?<br type="_moz" />


Ohio’s smoking ban came into effect in May, 2007.&nbsp; Some restaurants and businesses have ignored them and allowed smoking.&nbsp; The Ohio Division of Liquor Control will not renew their liquor license until they pay their fines in Richland County. <br />


<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">On 14 July 2011, a study of NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) showed an increase of deafness in children aged 12 to 19 years: from 14.9% in the period 1988/1994, to 19.5% in the 2005/2006 period. <br />
That translates into an increase of 31% of deafness. </span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">During 1988/1994, the adolescents present among the participants, were 2,928 while, in the year 2005/6, they were 1,771.</span></span></p>

More Lies

Smoking bans do not reduce heart attack according to a new study done by Duke Clinical Research Institute, presented to the American Cancer Society, which may or may not be published.&nbsp; Odds are it won’t since it doesn’t come to the correct conclusion.<br />
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Tim Warstall of Forbes Magazine has concluded that &quot;<i>There&rsquo;s been much crowing in recent years, as the smoking bans roll out across the country (indeed, across countries), about how heart attack rates are falling as a result. These claims are accompanied by the statistics from one area or another and of course a significant drop in heart attacks just as the smoking ban becomes active in that area. </i>
<p><i>The sad thing is that, if we consider these claims along the lies, damned lies and statistics continuum, the researchers are in the technical term, lying through their teeth</i>.&quot;<br />
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We have been saying that for decades!<br />

Causes of Death in the US

All we hear is that lung cancer is the number 1 killer, it isn’t.&nbsp;&nbsp; Here are the top ten causes of deaths in the United States, which are based on death certificates, for the year 2009. This data is from the <a href="">CDC</a> on page 5 .&nbsp; <br />
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All causes: 2,436,652, 1. Diseases of heart -&nbsp; 598,607, 2. Malignant neoplasms -&nbsp; 568,668 (all cancers), 3. Chronic lower respiratory diseases -&nbsp; 137,082, 4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases -&nbsp; 137,082.&nbsp; 5. Accidents, 117,176,&nbsp; 6.Alzheimer&rsquo;s disease,78,889, 7. Diabetes mellitus, 68,504, 8. Influenza and pneumonia, 53,582, 9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis,&nbsp; 48,714 10. Intentional self-harm -&nbsp; 36,547.<br />
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There is no break out for cancer by type.&nbsp; That 600,000 number of deaths caused by smoking that is used consistantly on various articles is a lie. Note that no deaths are reported due to second hand smoke.<br type="_moz" />

Britain Banning Smoking in Parks

<p><i>Britain will ban smoking in public parks and offenders will be fined as per new rules of the state councils.</i></p>
<p><i>In a first step to match America’s &quot;zero tolerance&quot; policy, councils and National Health Service (NHS) trusts aim to use the government’s new Localism Bill to curb lighting up in areas including play areas, Daily Express reported.</i></p>
<p><i>The purpose is to make smoking history for children by stamping out the habit in outside areas.</i></p>

They Never Quit

Louisiana State Legislators did not pass a smoking ban in bars, however, that is not stopping the city council in Alexandria to consider it.<br />
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Louisiana is one of the few states, if not the only state, that you can walk down the street with liquor in your hand.&nbsp; There are &quot;to go bars&quot; in New Orleans.&nbsp;&nbsp; A smoking ban in bars in the big easy is unthinkable!&nbsp;&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />

Brown Bag Lunches Are Bad For Kids Health

Sandwiches brought from home and made by your mother are now bad for the kids.&nbsp;&nbsp; One comment I thought was very relative: <dl><dt class="author"><span>&quot;by <b>outwestbutnotca</b></span> August 8, 2011 10:02 PM EDT </dt><dd id="body_11144557">Can someone please explain to me how my generation, and those before me, survived drop-side cribs, no seatbelts, metal-tipped lawn darts, exposed springs on Hobby Horses, and huge doses of second hand cigarette smoke from all directions. And, we brown bagged it everyday with notable items like tuna fish and egg salad sandwiches, full of mayo. However did we survive as a species?&quot;</dd></dl>

Italy Banning Smoking On Beach

Venice. The mayor implemented a experimental ban on smoking&nbsp; on part of Bibione beach.&nbsp; There is no law to enforce this experiment.&nbsp; The only nonsmoking beach is in France.<br />
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They never stop, so smoke them if you got them!&nbsp; If you don’t buy a pack and light one just to show your independence from Fascism. <br />
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