Bamboozling the judge

<p>The federal government&rsquo;s suit against the to tobacco industry is over.&nbsp; Anti-tobacco says the industry made out like bandits while the industry itself mumbles incoherently about moving ahead and being a good corporate citizen.</p>

Wacky methodology: great when delivering agendas

<p>This &ldquo;health news&rdquo; titbit, in which we&rsquo;re told that a new urine test proves that obese people are not actually reliable reporters about what they eat, deserves comment for a couple of reasons.&nbsp; For starters, it illustrates a major shortcoming of many studies about health and lifestyle (and other matters as well) that rely on people&rsquo;s memories, perceptions, and honesty about what they have done or experienced.</p>

US lifespan shorter: what to do?

Yes, in spite of the rabid antismoking campaigns and the proud touting of California’s and Utah’s lowest smoking rates in the world, the lifespan of Americans is far shorter than that of countries where smoking is abundant and their citizens are not persecuted (at least not as much!) by “public Read more…

Institutional perversion

<p>This blog posting in Surreality Times describes quite well a feeling that all of us at FORCES often experience. <em>This is so disturbing and depressing that I have put off writing about it (or anything, really) for many weeks.&rsquo;</em></p>

West Virginia: Putnam reverses smoking ban

<p>Finally, some Courage and Sanity.&nbsp; After being told repeatedly that the Board of Health is only responsible to &quot;listen to their peers&quot;, (meaning the &quot;public meetings&quot; are a farce to keep the public from rioting) this board has used their collective brains to determine that their erstwhile peers are the paid promoters of the junk science.</p>

The 30-minutes exposure fixation

<p>Michael Siegel brings us the umpteenth piece of health obsession: eating a meal at McDonalds, even a &quot;healthy&quot; one, results in the same degree of endothelial dysfunction as 30 minutes of exposure to secondhand smoke! Wonderful, that really means, given the realities of epidemiology, that a McDonalds hamburger can&rsquo;t hurt you.</p>

How Lethal Are The Toxins In Ontario?

According to Sarah Miller, Ontario is awash in toxins. The province has the highest environmental carcinogens released within Canada. That could mean serious cancer concerns for the residents of the province. All this is impossible if we are to believe the Ministry of Health Promotion, that by banning all smoking Read more…

Homeowners! The green vision is unveiled

Homeowners in Britain must make green "improvements" in their homes, or face penalties. Draconian government plans to transform England into the world’s first “green economy" mean government intrudes even more deeply into the citizens’ already over-regulated lives. Are you "green" enough yet? For our English readers with home remodeling in Read more…

The ultimate health, lifestyle and ecology fix

BAN PEOPLE! Global warming got you heated up? Worried about the long-term dangers of chemical residues from plastics, farting cows, industrial pollution, cigarette butts on sidewalks, and vulgar t-shirts sold to teens at the local mall? Fretting over the old cholesterol count? Maybe your own middle age wrinkles haunt your Read more…