Believe the Lies, Quit Smoking and Get Killed

<p align="justify">If we were antitobacco &quot;experts&quot; we would say that there is an&nbsp;oh-so &quot;scientific&quot; and indubitably &quot;causal&quot; link between the gun death of Texas musician Carter Albrecht and smoking cessation. He believed his doctor’s lies.</p>

Smokers’ Acne Face

<p>Since smoking causes everything negative it’s no surprise that zits, blackheads and pimples are also the result of enjoying the evil weed.&nbsp; How do we know this to be true?&nbsp; The usual way.&nbsp; A study tells us so.&nbsp;</p>

Man shot for smoking in shop

<p>A few days ago we reported of a non smoking patient being removed from a medical facility when he was no longer smoking – today we report of a customer being shot by a grocery store security guard for smoking.</p>

The biggest social problem

<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana;">This piece by Gian Turci published on the Pro-Choice Smoking Doctor addresses the fundamental problem of our society today: <strong style="">institutional corruption</strong>.<o:p></o:p></span></p>

Declaration of Independence

<p>Michael Douglas, Ed Norton, Mel Gibson, Whoopi Goldberg and many other of our favorite stars declare their independence.&nbsp; In a moving and unforgettable reading by these brilliant stars, we are reminded once again how important are the freedoms we used to have.</p>