The FORCES Multimedia Portal: It’s a Go!

<p><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><img hspace="3" align="right" alt="" src="" />FORCES International is pleased to present its new Multimedia (MM) Section. The links to the Multimedia portal are now activated everywhere.</span></p>

Update on John Nuttall Fund Raiser

<p align="justify">When FORCES was made aware of the John Nuttall case of surgery being denied by the British National Health Service, a decision was made to contact Mister&nbsp;Nuttall and ask for his permission to do a &quot;John Nuttall Fund Raiser&quot; on his behalf to pay for his ankle surgery privately.</p>

The Anti-social State

<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt">This interesting piece from Florida addresses an essential&nbsp;tragedy&nbsp;of&nbsp;anti-smoking social engineering: social disintegration.</span></p>

After protests, EU gangsters call for total ban

<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt">As a reaction to the round of protests against the European antitobacco policy antismoking gangsters want to <em>accelerate</em> the pace. The call now is for&nbsp;draconian&nbsp;smoking bans in the whole of </span><span style="font-size: 8pt">Europe</span><span style="font-size: 8pt"> by 2008.</span></p>

Smoking Wins Popularity Contest

<p align="justify">A place&nbsp;where normal folks&nbsp;can gather socially — whether smokers or non-smokers — to socialize normally&nbsp;was, naturally, the definition of a hospitality venue prior to the dictatorship of Anti. That a nightclub which does its best to approximate normal conditions under tyranny is now crammed to bursting with normal folks of every stripe therefore does not surprise.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>