EU: Caught – not that it matters; criminals rule

<div style="text-align: justify"><img alt="" hspace="4" align="left" src="" />This footage from German television may be of particular interest to our European readers, as it shows the shameful parasitism of the EU Parliamentarians. There is no need to understand German to see what is going on, or to read the numbers.</div>

Smoking kills… in a pig’s eye!

<div style="text-align: justify">Britain’s oldest man, thought to be one of three surviving World War I veterans in the United Kingdom, recently celebrated his 112th birthday with a VIP lunch and fly-past by the Royal Air Force.</div>

A Group with what it takes

<div style="text-align: justify">We are glad to present to our American readers the association Opponents of Ohio Bans (Overturn Issue 5 and Return Freedom of Choice). This dynamic group sure strikes the right chord <a href="">as soon as you land on their web page</a>:</div>

The Horror

Hold the presses!&nbsp; Barack Obama, the &quot;former&quot; smoker running for president, admits he’s fallen off the wagon.<br type="_moz" />

Ventilation: what Prohibition fears the most I

<div style="text-align: justify">Regardless&nbsp;that the quantities of toxins in passive smoking are <a href="">small enough to be harmless</a> and that the credo that &ldquo;there is no safe level of exposure to passive smoke&rdquo; is a bad joke meant to further prohibition policies, there is no question that -&nbsp;given the psychological situation created by antismoking propaganda -&nbsp;the smell of tobacco has become a real annoyance for some.</div>

Inverted Priorities

<div style="text-align: justify;">Last week we reported that in the land of exploding laws and regulations, the United Kingdom, the middle class is losing confidence in the police.</div>

How do you spell Payola?

<div style="text-align: justify">This interesting piece from Michael Siegel is a must read or those who still believe that &ldquo;health authorities&rdquo; still act in the best interest of citizens in general and smokers in particular.</div>