Smoke in their face: ban illegal in Geneva

<div style="text-align: justify;">Using the passive smoking fraud,&nbsp;anti-liberty forces in Switzerland&nbsp;push prohibition big time. Fortunately, there is&nbsp;some good news. Now in Geneva&nbsp;you can smoke right in Tobacco Control&rsquo;s face.</div>

Smoke in their face: more smokers in Italy

<div style="text-align: justify"><img alt="" hspace="3" align="left" src="" />This Italian official report is over one year old, but it is worth reporting on even now. Here is the teaser: Italians are smoking more.</div>

Cars kill the planet and “cause” obesity

<div style="text-align: justify">In the war against any and all milestones of progress and freedom in the 20th century, the car cannot be missing. Already target practice for the global warming scam crowd, the car now&nbsp;becomes yet another &ldquo;threat&rdquo;&nbsp;to public health: cars &quot;cause&quot; <i>obesity</i>. This piece by Sandy Szwarc of Junkfood Science tells the story.</div>

One more voice against the passive smokescreen

<div style="text-align: justify">Professor Robert Molimard is professor emeritus of physiology and co&ouml;rdinator of the DIU of Tabacologie to the Faculty of Medicine Paris-South. In a <a href="">French language interview</a>&nbsp;he has already denounced the passive smoking fraud.&nbsp;Recently he has written a&nbsp;paper about it.</div>

Argument ad hominem: Anti’s trash favourite weapon

<div style="text-align: justify">Of the many associations in Canada who pretend to work for the good of the public, the Non-Smokers Rights Association (NSRA) is one of the most hateful, radical and dangerous, with the clear resolve to slander, libel and intimidate anyone who gets in the way of their tax-grabbing anti-smoker agenda.</div>